Booking information


Please contact the warden for further details or availability information.

Camping Fees

Our fees are currently

Scouts, Guides and registered charities: £2.50 per person per night
Schools and Other Groups: £3.00 per person per night.
Camp Day Visitors: £0.50 per person
Use of site for non campers: £1.00 per person

(Prices are subject to change without notification. Bookings made using copies of old booking forms are subject to current prices.)

Please note that there is also a standard charge of £5.00 per camp for waste disposal at the Heritage centre and that this will be added to your bill if relevant at the end of your stay.

All fees are payable before you leave the site.


All bookings should be made using the appropriate form, please contact the booking secretary in the first instance with the dates you are interested in and a booking form will be e-mailed to you with availablity confirmation. A booking administration fee of £10.00. per Site, per Week is required with your booking form.

Outside users declaration

Please note that you must send in your booking form to secure a site as no site is reserved until the booking secretary has received the form and confirmed it with you.

You will need Adobe Acrobat Reader to view the booking form when you recieve it. If you do not have Acrobat reader, you can download it for free using the following link.

Get Adobe Acrobat Reader